Latest on Chemo

After a very frustrating week, I think I have a better idea of what the plan is. Tomorrow (8/27) I will be going in to the local hospital to get a central port put in to make the chemo easier. That and if I need any extra meds or transfusions they won’t have to fuss with needles.

My first of 6 chemo treatments begins Thursday (8/28). I need to be there at 9:30 and will be there about 5 to 6 hours. I have a friend coming and we have a movie all picked out. Maybe I should bring two. 

I did meet with the medical oncologist on Monday. He believes that with what we are dealing with and because of my age (young), 6 rounds is the way to go if I am responding well. When he left me he went right to call the doctor in Boston. I would have loved to have been a fly on that wall. 

It turns out I am also dealing with a UTI. Just enough of one to be obnoxious and wake me up throughout the night. Not enough to scream, “take care of me NOW!” I have been waiting for a day and a half now for them to call in the script to the pharmacy. I am beginning to feel like a pain in the tuchus. And it hasn’t even begun!

i am really hoping that once it begins I will calm down. The not knowing how it will affect me? I am having a hard time accepting that all will be as it will be. I’m thinking it is about time I do. I still do not want to believe that I am someone who has/had cancer and has to go through this. 

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